Building a second stable during this period is also key to doubling your production of knights. Double bit axe at the lumber camp and a horse collar at the mill will help keep the economy streamlined. Now en route to Castle Age, you have some time to research several key technologies. If the foundation of the earlier steps is complete, this should already be saved up once the buildings are complete and can be clicked once ready. To advance to the Castle Age, you will also need 800 food and 200 gold in resources. The Donjon rush build order is essentially a modified version of the generic 18 population tower rush build order however this advances at 20 population as you need more. Sustaining Knight production in the next age will require at least three gold miners per stable, so most knight rushing players aim for six gold miners to maintain a stable knight production using two stables. The AOE2 Donjon Rush with the Sicilians was the first build order that I developed following the release of the Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition Lords Of The West DLC. Once they have finished building, assign these villagers to gold. Create two or three new villagers to build a Stable where you can make Knights, and a Blacksmith so you can upgrade them, and these two buildings will unlock the Castle Age button. Build orders flow charts for Age of Empire 2: Definitive Edition generated with PlantUML - GitHub - Phibonacci/aoe2-build-orders: Build orders flow charts.

Now in the Feudal Age, transitioning to the Castle Age as fast as possible to start producing knights is key.